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Curbside Pick-Up 

What is Curbside Pick-Up?

Curbside Pick-Up is one of our newest services that allows our members to pick up their packages without stepping out of their car!


How do I access this service?

Contact our Customer Support Team by using any of the following mediums.

  • Telephone
  • Online Support Centre
  • Live Chat


How does it work?

As soon as we receive your request and preferred time for collection, we will:

  • Locate and secure your package(s)
  • Deliver the package(s) to your vehicle on arrival.

You will then check your Package(s) and verify everything is in order, sign for receipt (or allow us to sign on your behalf with your approval), and go!

If payments have to be made, we will bring the portable Linx machine to you, but we strongly recommend that you pre-pay for your package(s) online to allow for a contactless delivery!


Are there designated parking spots?

Yes, there are two (2) parking spots. You will see our well-displayed signage that states “Parking for the differently-abled and Curbside Pick-Up.”


Is there a fee for this service?

No, this service is absolutely free!


Are there any restrictions to what I can collect?

  • Yes, you can only collect packages under 20lbs.
  • No fragile packages can be collected at Curbside.


Can I request Curbside for my television?

Unfortunately, no. Televisions are classed as Fragile items; these items need to be inspected by you (the customer) and a Customer Service Representative to ensure that there are no damages.


Is there a maximum limit of packages I can collect?

No, there is no maximum limit.


Is this service offered in Tobago?

This service is not yet being offered in Tobago, but we are working to put things in place for it soon!